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Used Station Wagon for Sale in Kenya

Used Station Wagon: The Epitome of Luxury and Comfort

Station wagons once dominated the automotive space but retired in favor of several other emerging car categories and the crossover craze currently prevailing in the automotive industry. Hence, Station wagon also termed as an estate car, estate or wagon is a rarely found breed for those seeking practicality and functionality in one package. A handful of used station wagons for sale are available in the market inspiring car enthusiasts to make a big bang on few bucks. 

What Makes It Different?

The station wagon is a vehicle in car body style offering two-box design configuration, large cargo area, and a rear tailgate that hinged to open making improvements inaccessibility. Overall body style makes it look quite reminiscent to the hatchback, whereas the extended roof line and slightly longer body configuration are maximizing the cargo handling area.  
Two box design configuration, shared interior volume for cargo and passengers and the rear door tailgate along folding rear seats are similar in hatchback and station wagon. Whereas the D-pillar, seating in three rows, and an extended roof line offering more space for cargo are few noteworthy distinctions. 

An Ultimate Family-Friendly Alternate

Spacious interior craftsmanship, versatility and expansive cargo handling area are the most compelling reasons for family haulers to buy station wagons. Besides spaciousness, a wide span of amenity choices accommodating a variety of customer preferences is a plus. Station wagon diversity encloses vehicle under sport, economy and luxury classes.
An overhaul market reputation and popularity influenced a variety of auto manufacturers to step into this category of cars to reap an endless stream of sales benefit. Even used station wagon for sale in Kenya is quite a reasonable alternate for family haulers to gain hands-on experience on once-popular an ultimate motoring legend intensively designed to accommodate growing families. 

An Impressive Motoring Legend

America’s love affair for station wagon is almost over, but the boxy design, tall, tough and bold outlook have left a legacy behind. Station wagon once received a devoted fan following for build quality, outstanding performance and a comprehensive list of features accommodating the daily driving needs of the passengers on board. 

Vehicles in this category tend to have better stopping, better handling, more fuel efficiency, and a spacious cargo-carrying capability. Overall it is safe, dynamically proficient offering a slightly modified visibility advantage. In short, all of the above-mentioned advantages are making station wagon a surefire vehicle to accommodate the family-hauling needs.